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Decolonizing Education Certificate


"I wouldn't be exaggerating to say that the DEC and the IPC changed my life. As a Métis person, I came to see that we are all colonized - Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. There is a lot of work I needed to do to understand how colonization separated me from my Indigenous identity, knowledges and community. I started to uproot this 'unexplained' shame I had in not knowing who I was and started to see the role that colonization played in that separation. This new understanding started to create a pride in my identity that was deepened through my experience in the Indigenous Peoples Certificate. The IPC provided me an opportunity to be with other Indigenous people as we journeyed through building our bundles, taking my place up in Creation and engaging in my life wholistically. Experiencing Indigegogy is such a powerful way of engaging in learning and relationships. Ceremony, circle work and having Indigenous facilitators and non-Indigenous facilitator allies made this experience much deeper, richer and wholistic." - Dr. Giselle Dias

Indigenous Peoples Certificate


"Thanks to scholarship support I was able to begin my journey through the IPC. For many reasons, the knowledge and connection with indigenous kin has been limited. Coming to circle to learn about how to bring our whole selves into our every day, and witnessing my peers go through a similar journey, I am renewed, and am seeing myself and all of creation in a manner closer to what Efnouti intended." - Sara Abdo


"I was a recipient of a generous scholarship to participate in Indigenous Persons Indigenous Certificate, Module 1 “Stepping into Your Centre”. This course has helped me on my journey to connect with my First Nation culture, supported me in reclaiming my identity as well as adding my bundle.  I have been truly honored to have had this opportunity and recommend this program for Indigenous people looking to recover and heal from the effects colonization has had." - Rachel Sutherland


"Attending the two day module of “Stepping into your Centre” with Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty of Social Work Centre for Indigegogy I was able to learn from my facilitator and other attendees. As an Indigenous women being able to eliminate a barrier such as tuition/registration cost to attend this workshop has helped me with my career and furthering my education. Dr. Kathy Absolon was able to provide gentle challenges but healthy reminders of best practices when stepping into your centre as a role of the help." - Kellie Grace

Indigenous Research Series


"I’m indebted to the course run by Kathy Absolon and Amanda Thompson. I had such a valuable experience while in the workshop. As a graduate student discussing Indigenous epistemologies can feel alienating. More than anything I feel like I walked away with confidence to adamantly assert that my Indigenous teachings are valid as forms of thought with academic spaces." - SJ Okemow

Wholistic Healing Practices and Colonial Trauma Certificate


"As an Inuk raised outside of community, it is difficult for me to find ways to connect to my heritage. The workshop on land-based practices gave me an insight into First Nations perspectives. As someone with chronic health issues, being able to participate online was wonderful. It was good to sit in community with First Nations peoples, to learn together, share together, and honour all our relations. Thank you for providing the scholarship. It makes reconnecting possible for those with low incomes and disabilities. Nakurmiik and thank you." - Shantell Powell


"I found the "Land-Based Healing Practices" workshop to be helpful in understanding how valuable it is to be true to yourself and true to the land and true to the people you are working with. As an Indigenous Social Worker you are coming to know who you are and what is important in your own learning bundle. The practices you are learning and following as a helper are based on the land and based on a value system that comes from within. This workshop helped me to understand that land-based healing practices are deeply imbedded within Indigenous ways of knowing and being." - Laini Lascelles


"The knowledge and wisdom shared in the "Gender and Sexual Diversity in Indigenous Communities" workshop was helpful for me navigate my personal and professional journey to understanding trans identifying youth and 2S/Indigiqueer from an Indigenous lens. I feel better prepared to work with the Indigiqueer community while in the working field. I gained a deeper love, appreciation and support for those 2S who are living their truth regardless of the risks involved to be who they are. It was most valuable to be taught by 2S Indigenous Elder and scholars. I’m grateful for the sponsorship that was granted for my participation. Chi Miigwech!" - Jessica Hill

Wholistic Professional Development


"I enjoyed the experience of this training.  It has taught me different ways to engage our Elders in my professional and educational paths." - Sally Dokis

Contact Us:

Giselle Dias MSW, PhD, Director


Katie McLellan, MSW (IFS), Manager


Emily Hearn, MSW (IFS), Administrative Assistant


Raven Sutherland, Communications & Marketing Assistant

