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Go Beyond the Classroom

What sets you apart from the crowd is your experience.

At Laurier, no matter what campus you attend or what program you are in, you have a variety of opportunities to gain relevant skills, network with potential employers and apply your learning.

It's these experiences that open career doors for you – whether that's climbing the ladder at a billion-dollar company or making an impact in your community, it's all possible. Let us show you.

Laurier Experience Record

The Laurier Experience Record (LER) is the first of its kind in Canada, and it allows you to track your hands-on learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom. It documents more than your experiences; it also tracks the hours you dedicate and the skills you develop while taking part in each experience.

As a Laurier student, you can add your LER to your resume or LinkedIn profile and showcase to employers who you are beyond the grades you received. Or, use it to prepare for your next interview as a reminder of all of the fantastic experiences and skills you've developed while at Laurier.

Thinking about law or medical school? Some grad schools require you to list activities you have been involved in while in your undergrad. Your LER is your Laurier-verified record of your involvement and can be used as part of your application.

You gain the experience. We provide the evidence.

Student Experiences Captured on the LER*

*2023/24 academic year

Built-In Experiences

Apply your learning as part of a classroom project or placement, or as part of an experience with your residence community.

Course Projects

Visit a corporate headquarters or turn the classroom into a simulated workplace. Your projects and experiences help you showcase your learning within a real-world context, taking your knowledge from paper to the world.

In your very first semester of the Business Administration program, you'll work in a group to answer a strategic business question posed by a real company during a live case competition.

Community Service-Learning

Volunteer in the community in a field related to your course. Apply your knowledge to this hands-on experience while earning course credit towards your degree.

Join newcomers services as part of your community psychology course in Psychology to gain a unique perspective on the immigration process.

Creative Performances

Our Faculty of Music builds a foundation on creative performance, rehearsals and performances through large ensembles and solo recitals.

As a first-year Music student, you'll receive weekly one-hour private lessons, ensemble experience and masterclasses, plus access to professional coach-accompanists.


Take your notes from lecture and put them into practice within any of our state-of-the-art teaching labs. Learn by participating in research while working closely with your professors.

The Centre for Cold Regions and Water Science is home to two Laurier research centres, as well as Laurier's portion of the Ontario Water Consortium (OWC).

Residence Learning Communities

Live your passion in a themed residence environment that builds on concepts you learn in class. Network with peers, faculty and staff through programs and excursions held in your residence and off campus.

Last year, students that were part of the "World War II in Eastern Europe" residence community had the opportunity to travel to Poland for 14 days to see the places that were directly impacted the war. The RLC updates annually - please check out the Living Learning Program for additional details of what may be offered this year.

Courses Offer Experiential Learning Components*

*2023/24 academic year

Step into Your Career

Apply your learning to the workplace, even before you graduate.


Co-operative Education is paid, full-time work experience that allows you to earn money, explore career paths and expand your network of mentors and potential employers.

In the User Experience Design program, apply for information architect jobs and use your knowledge and skills in a 12- to 16-month paid co-op work term.


Develop and launch a business or social venture through one of many entrepreneurship and social innovation initiatives at Laurier.

StartUp Lab has helped to launch companies such as HiRide, Equator and Summatti, which were all founded by Laurier students.

Field Placements, Practica and Clinical Placements

Gain intensive, practical experience as part of your professional program – at home or abroad – in a workplace or community setting.

The Music Therapy program requires students to complete 1,000 hours of placement, making them eligible upon graduation to write the Certification Board for Music Therapists exam.


Work internationally with other Laurier students and apply your learning to the world around you.

Students from any program can spend 100 days in Ghana interning at the University of Ghana (Legon) as part of the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Scholarship.

Co-op Employers

Recruit annually, posting more than 6,000 jobs.

Journey to New Places

Travel the world or stay closer to home as you experience your learning through new adventures.

Academic Exchanges

Laurier has more than 70 university partnerships worldwide that allow you to travel and take courses that count towards your Laurier degree, while you pay the same tuition fees directly to Laurier.

Study for four months at Western Sydney University in Australia or study for eight months at Seoul National University in South Korea.

Field Courses

Gain intensive practical experience, at home or abroad, in a workplace or community setting related to your program. Even better: your experience counts for academic credit.

Participate in an excavation at Ahatsistari, a 17th-century Huron-Wendat village site located on Tay Point in Ontario, as part of the Archaeology and Heritage Studies program.

A Community of Volunteers

If we had to pick one thing that bonds all Laurier students together, it’s the desire to make a difference – no matter how small – and give back to our community.

Student Clubs, Associations and Teams

With more than 300 student-led clubs and associations and 5,000 members, it's clear that student-led activities are the heart of Laurier. The opportunities to find your fit are endless, and if you can't find your fit, then create your own club.

The Mock Trial Club helps aspiring lawyers learn more about trial proceedings and processes, while the Laurier Robotics Club helps club members bring technology to life.

Student Government

If you are looking to make a lasting impact on the Laurier community, our student government offers you the opportunity to gain valuable skills that make you marketable to any organization or grad school after you graduate.

Put your name on the ballot to become a member of the student executive team and drive the changes you want to see on campus.

On-Campus Volunteer Opportunities

The opportunities to volunteer on campus are endless. Try new things, expand your network and experience all that Laurier has to offer.

Volunteer at the Laurier Food Bank and create care packages for students to help support their dietary and nutritional needs.


ashoka-logo.pngAshoka U named Laurier as a Changemaker Campus, the world's leading designation for social innovation in higher education.

Earn while You Learn

Let's face it – university is a big financial decision. We know that. We also know that we're offering an unparalleled student experience. We don't want your financial situation to get in the way of you joining us, so we’re hiring you!

Departmental Student Work Experience

Various departments and faculty at Laurier offer paid part-time student work opportunities that you can apply for even during your first year of study.

Laurier Work-Study Program and the International Student Work Experience Program

These paid student work experiences offer eligible students the chance to work on campus while they study. The Laurier Work-Study Program is available to domestic students who can demonstrate they are in financial need, while the International Student Work Experience Program is only available to international students. Both programs offer jobs that are exclusive to those who qualify.

Research, Teaching and Instructional Assistantships

Show your passion for your program and work with your professors. Apply for a teaching or instructional assistantship, where you help educate your peers, or work as a research assistant and make your mark on the world of knowledge.

Contact Us:

Recruitment and Admissions

T: 548.889.8888
F: 519.884.0618
